Concentrations of sixteen rare earth elements (REEs) in PM2.5 and potential-source samples, collected in Nanchang city in mid-September 2013, were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The results showed that the concentrations of total REEs (ΣREE) ranged from 78.76 to 1351 ng/mg. The order of REEs in PM2.5 samples showed the anthropo-genic effects, Ce and Eu were affected more than the other REEs according to the enrichment factors. The results of chon-drite-normalized REEs patterns and characteristic parameters showed evident light REEs fractionation, and positive anomalies of Ce and Eu in PM2.5. The other non-local pollution sources affected the PM2.5 samples, according to the triangular diagram of La, Ce and Sm compositions and plot ofΣREE vsδEu. Moreover, plot of (La/Sm)N vs (Gd/Yb)N revealed the effects of local sources. In conclu-sion, the REEs in potential-source samples were close to the background of local soil, while the REEs in PM2.5 samples in Nanchang city were jointly affected by the investigated local sources and other non-local sources.
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