



Open-cell nickel foams with different relative densities and pre-stretching degreesweresubjected to room temperature quasi-static compressive tests to explore their compressive properties. The compressive properties of the nickel foams includingyield strength,elasticmodulus, energy absorption density and energy absorption efficiency were calculated accurately. The results show that the compressive propertiesofyield strength,elasticmodulus and energy absorption density increase with the increaseof relative density of nickel foams. The compressive properties are sensitive to the pre-stretching degree, and the valuesof yield strength,elastic modulus and energy absorption density decreasewith the increaseof pre-stretching degree. However, the energy absorption efficiency at the densification strain state exhibits the independence of relative density and pre-stretching degree. Thevalue of energy absorption efficiency reaches its peak when the strain is at the end of the collapse plateau region.


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