针对黄金矿山尾矿库氰渣淋溶的低质量浓度含氰废水,采用OOT/OCT-BAF联合工艺进行处理。其试验结果表明,在进水总氰化合物为64.45 mg/L、硫氰酸盐为22.74 mg/L、COD为76.58 mg/L、铜为72.48 mg/L的条件下,当臭氧投加量为250 mg/L、臭氧投加量分流比为2∶1、BAF的废水停留时间为20 min、气水比为3∶1时,出水总氰化合物为0.02 mg/L、硫氰酸盐完全去除、COD为5.43 mg/L、铜为0.32 mg/L、氨氮为0.79 mg/L,出水达到《GB 3838-2002地表水环境质量标准》Ⅲ类水质。
The combined process of OOT/OCT and biological aerated filter ( BAF) was used in the treatment of the low concentration cyanide wastewater in gold mines .The results show that under the conditions of the total influent cyanogen of 64.45 mg/L,thiocyanate of 22.74 mg/L,COD of 76.58 mg/L and copper of 72.47 mg/L,when the ozone dosage was 250 mg/L,the split ratio of ozone dosage was 2∶1 ,the hydraulic retention time of BAF was 20 min, and the ratio of gas to water was 3∶1 ,the total effluent cyanogen was 0 .02 mg/L,thiocyanate was degraded complete-ly,COD was 5.43 mg/L,copper was 0.32 mg/L and ammonia nitrogen was 0.79 mg/L.The effluent quality can reach standard Ⅲof GB 3838-2002 Surface Water Environment Quality Standard .
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