某难选金矿矿石中伴生有铜、铁等有价元素,为了充分利用矿产资源,对该矿石进行了选矿综合回收试验研究。其结果表明:通过采用活化剂 AS -2活化浮选铜、浮选尾矿细磨预处理—氰化浸金工艺,可获得铜品位14.32%、回收率58.64%的铜精矿,金总回收率达到83.12%;氰化尾矿采用磁选回收磁铁矿并浮选脱硫,可得到铁品位62%以上的磁铁矿精粉和硫品位28%以上的硫铁矿精粉。该工艺流程有效地回收了矿石中的有价金属元素。
The experimental research on comprehensive recovery of gold,copper and ferrum from a refractory gold ore is performed to make full use of resources.Experimental results show that the copper concentrate with the recovery of 58.64 % and the grade of 14.32 % can be produced when reagent AS -2 was used as activators;in this circum-stance,flotation tailings were further processed by using fine grinding pretreatment -cyanidation process,total gold re-covery rate reached 83.12 %;Magnetic separation was used to recover magnetite from cyanide tailings,and flotation was used for removing pyrrhotite from magnetite.Fe grade of magnetite concentrates was above 62 % and S grade of pyrrhotite concentrates was above 28 %,respectively.Thus,the valuable metallic elements of refractory gold ore are ef-fectively recycled.
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