针对金精矿日常化验中银、铜、铅、锌需分别溶样测定,浪费人力、时间,采用火焰原子吸收法一次溶样连续测定样品中的银、铜、铅、锌。金精矿采用盐酸-硝酸-氢氟酸-高氯酸混酸完全消解,盐酸(1+9)溶液定容,原子吸收光谱法进行测定。该方法加入标准物质回收率为96.9%~107.7%,相对标准偏差 RSD(n =7)为1.17%~7.07%,检出限分别为 Cu 0.0015μg/mL、Pb 0.0299μg/mL、Zn 0.0112μg/mL、Ag 0.0019μg/mL。该方法对金精矿中银、铜、铅、锌的测定结果与国家标准方法测定值相符。
Separate determination of silver,copper,lead and zinc in gold concentrates in daily testing wastes time and labor. So AAS was used to continuously determine silver,copper,lead and zinc in single-time sample dissolution. Gold concentrates were dissolved by mixed HCl-HNO3 -HF-HClO4 ,calibrated by HCl(1+9) solution and deter-mined by AAS. The method achieved a recovery rate of 96. 9 % -107. 7 % with the addition of standard substance, the RSD(n=7) was 1. 17 % -7. 07 % and the detection limits were 0. 001 5 μg/mL for Cu,0. 029 9 μg/mL for Pb,0. 011 2 μg/mL for Zn,and 0. 001 9 μg/mL for Ag. The method for silver,copper,lead and zinc determination was consistent with national standard method.
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