


采用双脉冲复合电镀技术,在瓦特型镀液中,制备含纳米 SiC 的 Ni/MoS2基复合镀层。研究纳米 SiC 浓度对复合镀层微观形貌、组织结构、显微硬度和摩擦性能的影响。结果表明:镀液中添加纳米 SiC 后,Ni/MoS2复合镀层的微观形貌产生明显的变化,随镀液中 SiC 浓度的增加,复合镀层表面致密度提高;镀液中纳米 SiC 浓度在1.0~1.5g/L 时,组织由 Ni+MoS2+SiC 组成;纳米 SiC 为1.5g/L 时,显微硬度达到最大,为505HV,摩擦因数为0.28,分别为纯 Ni/MoS2的1.6倍和1/2。复合镀层的磨损机制以磨料磨损为主。

Ni/MoS2 based composite coatings containing nano-SiC particles was prepared by double-pulse electrodepositing in Watts nickel plating solution.The effect of content of nano-SiC in the solu-tion on the micro morphology,microstructure,hardness and friction properties of coating was investi-gated.The results show that the micro morphology of Ni/MoS2 composite coating changes obviously after adding nano-SiC particles in electrolyte,the density of the coating surface increases with the in-creasing of the concentration of nano-SiC particles in electrolyte,the microstructure of coatings is mainly composed of nickel,MoS2 and SiC,when the content of nano-SiC ranging from 1.0-1.5g/L,the hardness of composite coatings increased with increasing the content of nano-SiC in electrolyte,when nano-SiC is 1.5g/L in electrolyte,the microhardness of coating reaches the maximum value of 505 HV and the friction coefficient of coating is 0.28,which is about 1.6 times and 1/2 of pure Ni/MoS2 com-posite coating respectively;and the wear mechanism of coatings is mainly abrasive wear .


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