研究辐照下He在氧化物弥散强化材料中小于5nm的氧化物颗粒的稳定性.在有He环境下,对14YWT氧化物弥散强化材料进行高温离子辐照.采用三维原子探针(APT)对辐照前后样品中的氧化物颗粒的大小、密度、成分以及其空间分布进行分析.结果表明:小于5 nm的弥散氧化物颗粒主要是由Y和Ti的氧化物组成,在辐照前后其成分、尺寸和空间分布无明显变化,说明在600℃高温重离子辐照过程中,在有He环境下铁素体ODS材料中弥散氧化物颗粒仍具有良好的稳定性.
The stability of nano-scale oxides with the size less than 5nm in the helium atmosphere un-der irradiation in the ODS(oxide dispersion strengthened)materials was researched.The 14YWT al-loy with pre-implanted with helium was irradiated at high temperature.Size,density,and composition of the nano-scale oxides were investigated by the atom probe tomography.The results show that nano-scale oxides are composed of oxides enrich in Ti and Y.The change of the size and composition of the nano-scale oxides under irradiation is trivial,indicating the good stability of nano-scale oxides in helium pre-implanted ODS materials under irradiation at 600℃.
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