To improve the mechanical properties of the SiCp/Fe composites, the effect of high?energy ball milling processing on the mechanical properties of copper?coated SiC particles reinforced iron matrix composites were investigated, and the effect of size mixture of copper?coated SiC particles on the properties of the composites was discussed as well. The results shows that the properties of composites have been improved by the high?energy ball milling that can also improve the uniformity of SiC particles distribution in the composites. The copper coating on the SiC particle surface can reduce the interfacial defects of the composites which is helpful for the improvement of mechanical properties of the composites. The tensile strength of the composites is increased by 7. 2% because of the uniformity of SiC particles distribution and by 12. 5% because of the reducing of interfacial defects which is more evident. The mechanical property of the composites reinforced by the mixture?sized SiC particles was higher than that of the composites reinforced by the related single?sized particles because the smaller?sized SiC particles tend to improve the strength of the matrix and the larger?sized SiC particles carry and transfer more load.
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