采用电沉积的方法在铝基体表面制备Pb-0.8%Ag-0.1%Sn复合阳极材料,并应用于电解锌中.研究了电沉积Pb-0.8%Ag-0.1%Sn复合阳极材料和电沉积Pb-0.8%Ag阳极材料及铸造Pb-0.8%Ag阳极材料在ZnSO4-H2 SO4体系下极化24 h后的电化学性能,同时利用X射线衍射仪和扫描电镜分别分析三种阳极材料的相组成及观察三种阳极材料的微观形貌.结果显示:电沉积Pb-0.8%Ag-0.1%Sn复合阳极材料电催化性能和耐腐蚀性能比电沉积Pb-0.8%Ag复合阳极材料及铸造Pb-0.8%Ag阳极材料好.X-射线衍射图显示,对应的Pb-0.8%Ag-0.1%Sn阳极表面上β-PbO2(101)和PbOx(1<x<2)(122)的衍射峰强度最强,说明Pb-0.8%Ag-0.1%Sn阳极表面的导电性优于另外两种阳极.扫描电镜图像显示Pb-0.8%Ag-0.1%Sn复合阳极材料表面形貌更加致密均匀.
Pb-0. 8%Ag-0. 1%Sn composite anode was prepared on the surface of aluminum substrate by the electrodeposition and applied to the zinc electrowinning. The electrochemical performance of the electrodeposition Pb-0.8%Ag-0.1%Sn composite anode was studied in zinc sulfate?sulfuric acid solution after a day polarization, which were compared with electrodeposition Pb-0.8%Ag anode and casting Pb-0.8%Ag anode. Meanwhile, the microstructure of three kinds anodes was observed by SEM and the phases were analyzed by X?ray diffractometry. The results indicated that the electrocatalytic activity and corrosion resistance of the electrodeposition Pb-0.8%Ag-0.1%Sn anode were better than those of other anodes. The X?ray diffraction indicated that the diffraction peaks of β?PbO2 ( 101 ) and PbOx ( 1
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