在镍基合金Inconel 740H基底上通过多弧离子镀制备TiN薄膜.控制温度、气体流量、过渡层成分等重要参数,研究其对TiN薄膜的表面形貌、力学性能以及耐腐蚀性的影响.多弧离子镀沉积过程中,沉积温度分别为200、250、300℃;过渡层成分分别为Al、Cr、Ti;气体流量分别为Ar 5 Sccm∶N240 Sccm,Ar 6 Sccm∶N248 Sccm,Ar 8 Sccm∶N264 Sccm.实验结果表明:在本实验的温度范围内,TiN薄膜的致密度、结合力以及表面硬度均随着沉积温度的提高而提高;Cr作为过渡层的效果优于Al和Ti,薄膜成分均匀、表面致密,硬度更高,且耐腐蚀性能优异;在Ar、N2流量比一定的情况下,气体流量对TiN薄膜的表面形貌和力学性能影响不大.本实验的最佳参数是:沉积温度300℃,过渡层成分为Cr,气体流量为Ar 6 Sccm、N248 Sccm.
The TiN films were prepared by ion plating on the nickel?base alloy Inconel 740H. The effect of the temperature, gas flow rate, and the compositions of transition layers on the surface morphology, mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of TiN films was studied. The deposition temperature was 200 ℃, 250 ℃ and 300℃,and the transition layer was Al, Cr, and Ti, respectively. With the substrate temperature increase, the density, binding force and surface hardness of the TiN films were improved. Gas flow rates were 5 Sccm Ar /40 Sccm N2 , 6 Sccm Ar/ 48 Sccm N2 , 8 Sccm Ar/ 64 Sccm N2 , respectively. The results show that the density, bond strength and surface hardness of TiN films were increased by the deposition temperature;Cr as transition layer is better than that of Al and Ti in the aspects of uniform film composition, surface density, high hardness, and resistance to corrosion resistance is excellent. Gas flow rate has little effect on the surface morphology and mechanical properties of TiN thin films in the case of Ar and N2 flux ratio. The best parameters of this experiment are:deposition temperature 300℃, the transition layer composition is Cr, gas flow rate is Ar 6 Sccm, N2 48 Sccm.
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