



The porous periclase-spinel ceramics with similar apparent porosities (25%-29%)and different spinel content (0,25wt%,50wt%,75wt%,100wt%)were reacted with cement clinker at 1 600 ℃,and the microstructures and cement clinker corrosion resistance of the ceramics with different spinel content were studied. The results show that the dissolution rate of periclase phase in the ceramic into cement clinker was slow while that of spinel phase was fast during the reaction with cement clinker at 1 600 ℃.With the increase of spinel content,the liquid phase content produced by the reaction of ceramics and cement clinker increased,resulting in the increase of the corrosion degree by the cement clinker.Meanwhile the increase of liquid phase viscosity hindered further corrosion of the cement clinker and decreased the contact area,resulting in the decrease of corrosion index.


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