含铌铁水通过脱碳保铌探索作为合金化元素回收铁水中铌并直接冶炼为含铌微合金钢的方法。试验在真空碳管炉内进行,铁水温度为1500℃,氧化剂为Fe2O3,真空度为10 Pa,分别进行有SiO2-CaO-Al2O3系造渣剂、无渣真空氧化冶炼研究。结果表明:在无渣条件下,加入Fe2O3铁水中硅、铌和碳同时氧化,不能脱碳保铌;加入造渣剂时,造渣剂的碱度越低,铁水中的硅氧化量越低,碳氧化量越高,碳质量分数最低下降到0.032%,铌质量分数最低值从0.09%下降到0.082%;碱度越高,铁水中硅氧化量越高,铌的氧化量也越高;真空氧化冶炼能够促进碳氧化,减少硅的氧化,抑止铌氧化。在50 kg级真空感应电炉内成功进行了回收铁水中铌直接冶炼为含铌钢试验,为回收含铌铁水中的铌提供新方法,也为工业化直接冶炼含铌钢提供试验依据。
As a micro-alloyed element,Nb was recovered to made Nb-bearing microalloyed steel from Nb-bearing hot metal in a vacuum carbon tube furnace by decarburization and conversation of niobium with Fe2O3 oxidant at 1 500℃. The results show that when slag isn't placed on the hot metal,silicon,niobium and carbon are oxidized simultaneously, which cannot make Nb-bearing steel. When basicity of SiO2-CaO-Al2O3 flux decreases,oxidation of silicon decreases, and decarburization is easy to complete in the molten iron and the oxidization of niobium is suppressed in the metal bath. By the way,carbon content of the molten iron is decreased to 0.032%and niobium content is decreased from 0.09%to 0.082%. When the basicity of SiO2-CaO-Al2O3 flux decreases,the lower silicon and niobium oxidize,the higher carbon oxidizes. On the other hand,when the vacuum of the furnace is lowed to 10 Pa,oxidization of silicon and niobium of Nb-bearing hot metal is suppressed and oxidization of carbon increases. By the test of the vacuum condition and acid SiO2-CaO-Al2O3 slag formed at 1 500℃,50 kg scale experiments have been completed and it is important not only to provide laboratory findings of commercial test for recovery of niobium from Nb-bearing hot metal to make Nb-bearing microal-loyed steel but also to provide a new method to recover Nb from Nb-bearing hot metal.
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