A new method has been developed to produce 300 series stainless steel,which is mainly for producing stain-less liquid steel with electrosilicothermic metallurgy. Ferronickel alloy with high silicon and low carbon content named as nickel-silicon ferroalloy is produced in submerged arc furnace(SAF)as the first step,then the slag containing chromium oxide and calcium oxide which come from refining furnace is charged into a shaking ladle together with liquid nickel-sili-con ferroalloy for pre-desilication and certain chromium reduction,finally,the liquid alloy with other chromium concen-trate and lime is charged into a refining furnace for final desilication to get the stainless liquid steel. In addition,a reduc-tive dephosphorization before the pre-desilcation process could be carried out if necessary. Argon Oxygen Decarburization (AOD)or Vacuum Oxygen Decarburization(VOD)process could then be followed to produce planned stainless steel. This process is different from the traditional one since it takes advantage of the characteristics of low grade lateritic ore with high SiO2 content. Besides,the utilization of low cost chromium concentrate is another effective way for the reduc-tion of production cost. Scale experimental results showed that the phosphorus content of nickel-silicon ferroalloy contain-ing about 20%silicon content could be decreased below 0.03%by use of reduction dephosphorization process and with the utilization of nickel-silicon ferroalloy,chromium concentrate and lime as the main raw materials. It is possible to pro-duce un-refined stainless liquid steel with electrosilicothermic process. Compared to traditional duplex process and based on matter and energy conservation,the total energy consumption,carbon dioxide emission and raw material cost in the new process could be decreased by about 7.1%,6.1%and 6.3%-7.2%,respectively.
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