采用全比例的水力学模型,利用刺激-响应法、波高传感器、流速仪研究了考虑凝固坯壳时高拉速板坯连铸结晶器内的钢水流动、液面特征与卷渣特征。结果表明:考虑凝固坯壳后钢液到达液面的时间缩短;在高拉速条件下(2.4 m/min),有坯壳时结晶器液面最大平均波高与表面流速比没有坯壳时分别大31%和17.5%,使卷渣更容易发生。其主要原因在于考虑坯壳后结晶器下部钢液的自由流动空间变小,下回流的钢液流动受到抑制,上回流的能量变大。所以在高拉速结晶器水模拟试验过程中,有必要考虑凝固坯壳的影响。
A full scale water model of continuous caster was built to investigate the effect of solidified shell on fluid flow, level characteristics and entrapment characteristics in high casting speed mold with stimulus-response method, level fluctu-ation sensor and velocity meter. The result showed that the time of fluid reaching surface is shortened with the consider-ation of solidified shells. Furthermore, at high casting speed (2.4 m/min), the maximum average level fluctuation and me-niscus velocity in the mold with solidified shell are 31%and 17.5%larger than those in the mold without shells, which fa-cilitates the slag entrapment. The main reason is that when the shell is taken into account, the reduced free flowing space in the lower part of the mold results in the lower recirculation being restrained whereas the upper recirculation gaining more turbulent energy. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the influence of solidified shells, especially under the condi-tion of high casting speed.
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