为了分析实际轧制过程中的振动和调节误差,研究了H型钢万能轧机轧辊调整装置基于理想约束副条件下的运动学与基于接触约束副的运动学动力学分析。从两者仿真结果的对比分析来看,理想约束条件下的水平辊调整速度是静态且恒定的0.6914 mm/s;基于接触约束模型条件下的水平辊调整速度是动态的并呈现伴随冲击的周期性波动,大致是在0.6887 mm/s处有比较大幅度的波动,且波动值相对理论值达36.64%,更加符合实际轧制工况。因此,基于静态设计的轧机在实际轧制过程中会出现比较明显的振动和调节误差,从而影响H型钢产品的尺寸精度和表面粗糙度,采用的变位系数蜗轮蜗杆传动是引起传动角速度波动的主要来源,这可为万能轧机的设计提供参考和依据。
The roll adjusting device of H-beam universal mill was studied based on the kinematics of ideal constraints vice and the dynamics of collision constraint. Compared the analysis among the simulation results, under the ideal con-straints conditions, the horizontal roller's adjustment speed was static and constant at 0.691 4 mm/s;but under the condi-tion of collision model, the horizontal roller,s adjustment speed was dynamic, and at 0.688 7 mm/s up and down relatively substantial cyclical fluctuations. The fluctuation relative to the theoretical value was 36.64%and that more in line with the actual rolling conditions. Therefore, it caused more obvious vibration and adjustment error in actual rolling process, affecting the H-beam's dimensional accuracy and surface roughness. The most important source of the angular velocity fluctuations was the use of modified coefficients for worm. The conclusions have some reference value to design the universal mill.
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