通过研究轧制温度、冷却速度和终冷温度对显微组织和力学性能的影响,最终确定了EQ51的最佳控轧控冷工艺参数。试验结果表明,当冷却速度不小于5℃/s时,有利于抑制多边形铁素体相变,促进针状铁素体和粒状贝氏体相变;为了避免两相区轧制出现混晶现象,终轧温度控制为790℃;终冷温度为570℃时,所得显微组织为针状铁素体和粒状贝氏体;经工业轧制的TMCP工艺EQ51钢板强韧性良好;当焊接输入线能量为50 kJ/cm时,焊接接头性能优异;落锤性能的tNDT为-55℃,满足船级社规范的低温韧性要求。开发的钢板获得了ABS船级社认证证书,并成功应用于某船厂自升式平台CJ50项目。
The optimal TMCP(thermo-mechanical controlled process) parameters are determined by investigating on the effect of rolling temperature,cooling rate and final cooling temperature on microstructure and mechanical properties. Re-sults show that,at cooling rate≥5℃/s,polygonal ferrite is suppressed while the acicular ferrite and granular bainite are promoted. In order to avoid rolling in dual-phase region,finish rolling temperature is set as 790℃. When final cooling temperature is 570℃,the obtained microstructure is acicular ferrite and granular bainite. The industrial produced EQ51 steel plate has achieved good combination of strength and ductility. When the welding heat input reaches 50 kJ/cm,the plate has excellent properties at the welding joins.-55℃of tNDT meets the requirements of low temperature toughness from the rules of classification society. The product of EQ51 has obtained ABS certification. It was then successfully ap-plied to jack-up platform CJ50 project.
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