借助Aspex Explorer全自动分析技术对日本神户制钢和国内某钢铁厂所产切割丝用盘条的夹杂物分析检测,详细讨论氧化物夹杂的尺寸、数量密度、成分以及形态.结果表明:神户所产盘条中夹杂物数量少、横截面尺寸均在5μm以下,存在两类夹杂物,即富SiO2的SiO2-MnO-Al2O3-(R2O,R=Na、K)系和低熔点的CaO-SiO2-Al2O3-MnO-(MgO)系夹杂物,两类夹杂物沿轧向均能很好变形,国内某厂所产盘条中夹杂物也分为两类:SiO2-MnO-Al2O3以及CaO-SiO2-Al2O3-MnO-(MgO),夹杂物数量多,变形差且检测到横截面尺寸5μm以上的夹杂物.盘条化学成分分析表明,神户盘条中w([Al]s)为0.000 4%~0.000 6%,w(T[O])为0.001 2%~0.001 3%,国内盘条w([Al]s)为0.000 5%~0.000 6%,w(T[O])为0.001 5%~0.001 6%.
Inclusions in wire rods for saw wire produced in Kobe steel and a steel works of China were investigated by means of automatic analysis technology using Aspex Explorer. Inclusion size,number density,composition and morphol-ogy were studied systematically. The results show that the inclusions of wire rods from Kobe steel are in a low amount and the size is less than 5μm on cross section. There are two type inclusions in Kobe wire rods,namely,the SiO2 rich SiO2-MnO-Al2O3-(R2O,R=Na、K) type and the low melting point CaO-SiO2-Al2O3-MnO-(MgO) type,both of them are elongat-ed during rolling and are nearly harmless. Inclusions of wire rods from China are also classified into two types:SiO2-MnO-Al2O3 and CaO-SiO2-Al2O3-MnO-(MgO). The inclusions in wire rods from China are not only in lager amount but al-so in worse deformability. The inclusions more than 5μm in size were observed on cross section of wire rods from China. Chemical analysis shows w([Al]s) is 0.000 4%-0.000 6% and w(T[O]) is 0.001 2%-0.001 3% in Kobe wire rod while w([Al]s) is 0.000 4%-0.000 6%and w(T[O]) is 0.001 2%-0.001 3%in domestic ones.
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