选取低品位、多组分磁性铁矿物转炉初炼钢渣,设计适用于细粒钢渣处理的多级辊式磁选机,开展了不同磨矿粒度下单级磁辊粗选及多级磁辊精选试验,对比了磁辊转频、分选行程对各粒度钢渣精矿品位及回收率的影响.结果表明:精选精矿品位明显高于粗选精矿品位,回收率略低;磁辊转频影响回收率较为明显,分选行程两边取值对磁选指标影响程度明显高于中间取值;磨矿粒度越细,磁选机综合处理效果越好;磨矿粒度小于0.3 mm粒级的占90%,精选精矿品位比原矿品位提高约32个百分点.
A multi-stage roll separator was designed for converter steel slag of small particle size,which was of low-grade and different magnetite iron minerals. Experiments were carried out for single-stage magnetic roller roughing and multi-stage magnetic roller concentrating under different grind size. The impacts of magnetic roller rotation frequency and separation distance on the concentrate grade and recovery of each particle size steel slag were compared. The results show that concentrate grade by multi-stage magnetic roller is significantly higher than the single-stage magnetic roller roughing, although the recovery rate is slightly lower. Magnetic roller rotation frequency obviously affects the recovery rate,and, separation distance is significantly higher at both sides of the value. Better performance of magnetic separator can be at-tained with the smaller particle size. Grinding fineness of <0.3 mm accounting for 90% can increase the concentrate grade by about 32 percentage points compared with the raw ore.
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