


钢铁生产过程二氧化碳排放量的精确计算是钢铁行业节能减排的基础。对钢铁生产流程二氧化碳排放的3种常用温室气体排放计算方法进行介绍,并基于A钢厂2014年的生产数据进行计算和分析对比。《省级温室气体清单编制指南》、《钢铁碳排放指南》两种计算方法都是基于投入产出的统计方法,两者温室气体计算结果数值相近,前者吨钢二氧化碳排放结果为2.116 t,后者吨钢二氧化碳排放结果为2.013 t ,后一种方法在计算时考虑了固碳产品的抵扣,所以结果比前种方法结果偏小。基于ISO标准的钢铁产品生命周期计算方法,计算边界从铁矿石、煤炭等原材料的采掘、洗选、运输,焦化,烧结,高炉,炼钢,轧制等直到钢铁产品的出厂,计算结果吨钢产品二氧化碳排放量为2.309 t,相比前两种方法计算结果数值较大,这是因为在计算时包含了铁矿石、煤炭等在开采、洗选、运输阶段产生的二氧化碳。

Quantitative calculation of carbon dioxide emissions during steel-making process is the basis of energy-sav-ing and emission-reduction work in the steel industry. The current work introduced three methods for the calculation of carbon emissions in which these three methods were often applied for the calculation of common greenhouse gases emis-sions. The production data of Steel Plant A in 2014 were given and analyzed by three calculation methods to compare the differences. The methods of Provincial Guidelines for Greenhouse Gas Inventories(PGGGI)and Accounting Methods and Reporting Guidelines for Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Chinese Steel Producers(AMRGGE)are on the base of In-put-Output model. Similar results were obtained by the above methods,for the calculation result of PGGGI was 2.116 t/t steel and that of AMRGGE was 2.013 t/t steel. The carbon dioxide emission by the method of AMRGGE was lower be-cause some by-products containing carbon were removed. The whole life cycle of steel product was studied by the Life Cycle Assessment(LCA)method based on the ISO standards. The calculation involved the mining,the washing and the transportation of iron ore,coal and other raw materials,and the related processes developed from the coking,the sinter-ing,the blast furnace,the steelmaking,the rolling to the finished product. The calculated carbon dioxide emission of LCA was 2.309 t/t steel which was higher than the other two methods,because a greater range system boundary which contained iron ore,coal mining and transportation were considered in this method.


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