采用Gleeble-3500热模拟机,对低质量分数钒和高质量分数钒的S30432耐热钢在900~1100℃及0.001~0.100 s-1变形条件下进行了热压缩试验,研究钒的质量分数对S30432钢动态回复再结晶的影响及作用机理。结果表明,添加质量分数0.18%钒后S30432钢的峰值流变应力增高,再结晶激活能从498增加到562 kJ/mol。在1000和1050℃,钒对S30432钢的动态回复再结晶的阻碍作用最显著。高质量分数钒的S30432钢中由于析出细小的Z相,它具有强烈钉扎作用,能有效阻碍动态回复再结晶的发生。此外,高质量分数钒钢中固溶原子的增加对动态回复再结晶也有一定的阻碍作用。
The effect and mechanism of V content on dynamic recovery and recrystallization behavior of S30432 heat-resistant steel containing 0.05%V and 0.18%V were studied,using a Gleeble-3500 thermalmechanical simulation unit at deformation temperatures of 900-1 100℃and strain rates of 0.001-0.100 s-1. The results reveal the peak flow stress-es of S30432 steel increase when 0.18%V is added. The activation energy for recrystallization increases from 498 kJ/mol for the base steel containing 0.05%V to approximately 562 kJ/mol for the steel containing 0.18%V. Dynamic recovery and recrystallization are significantly hindered at 1 000 and 1 050℃. After 0.18%V is added,the dynamic recovery and recrystallization of S30432 steel are retarded effectively mainly because of the precipitation of fine Z phase,by which the dislocations are strongly pinned. The increase of dissolved V amount in the matrix of S30432 steel also promotes the retardation of dynamic recovery and recrystallization.
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