研究了蛇纹石对磁铁矿和赤铁矿2种不同矿粉球团的生球质量、抗压强度和冶金性能的影响。结果表明:配蛇纹石后赤铁矿和磁铁矿球团的生球质量都得到改善。配蛇纹石后磁铁矿和赤铁矿球团预热强度都下降,在相同温度和蛇纹石质量分数下,赤铁矿球团预热强度比磁铁矿球团低50~100 N/个,在焙烧温度小于1280℃时,随着蛇纹石质量分数的增加,磁铁矿和赤铁矿球团抗压强度都下降,但在1300℃的温度下,配蛇纹石的球团抗压强度比基准期球团抗压强度高。配蛇纹石后磁铁矿和赤铁矿球团还原膨胀率都下降。蛇纹石质量分数为1.5%时,球团矿还原度相对高。
Effects of serpentine on green pellet quality,compression strength and metallurgical properties of pellet produced by magnetite and hematite iron ore concentrate are studied.The results show that,green pellet quality of both magnetite and hematite pellet is improved by addition of serpentine.The compression strength of preheated pel-let decreases after adding serpentine ,further the compression strength of hematite preheated pellet is lower than that of magnetite preheated pellet 50-100 N/P under the same preheating temperature and serpentine ratio.While fir-ing temperature is below 1 280 ℃,the compression strength of both magnetite and hematite pellet decreases with the increase of serpentine ratio.However the compression strength of pellet with serpentine is higher than pellet without serpentine when firing under 1 300 ℃.Serpentine will cause the decrease of reduction swelling index for magnetite and hematite pellet,and the reduction index is relatively higher when serpentine ratio is 1.5%.
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