通过实验室模拟高炉内矿石的熔滴过程,对含PMC矿粉的烧结矿、球团矿与南非块矿搭配的炉料结构进行了研究.研究发现,烧结矿+球团矿的炉料结构模式的熔滴性能优于烧结矿+球团矿+块矿的炉料结构模式.其中,在6#方案65%烧结矿+35%球团矿的配比下,△Tds (熔融区间)值为132℃,△Pmax (最大压差)为4.990 kPa, S (总特性值)为296 kPa·℃,是6个方案中熔滴性能最优的方案.炉料中的碱金属是造成炉料透气性变差的主要原因,表现为S值随着碱金属负荷的增加而升高.增加炉料中以PMC为主的球团矿可以降低炉料的碱金属负荷,从而改善炉料的熔滴特性.
Through a simulation of droplet of ores in the blast furnace in the laboratory, an investigation was conducted on the raw materials structure composed of sinters,South Africa mines and pellets mainly containing PMC ore powders. The results indicated that the raw materials structure composed of sinters + pellets is better than that composed of sinters + pellet + South Africa mines. Among them, the△Tds value of scheme 6# is 132℃,the△Pmax is 4. 990 kPa, and the value of S is 296 kPa·℃, which is the best one in the simulation of droplet of ores. Furthermore alkali metals contained in the raw materials have a negative effect on the permeability , which can be improved by decreasing amount of alkali metals.
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