研究了Sb掺杂对N型half-Heusler化合物Zr0.25Hf0.25Ti0.5NiSn1-xSbx (x=0、0.002、0.005、0.01、0.02、0.03)热电传输特性的影响。结果显示,随着Sb掺杂量增加,材料的载流子浓度提高,电阻率降低,尤其是低温(<300 K)电阻率下降显著,赛贝克系数降低,且取得最大赛贝克系数的温度向高温端移动,最大功率因子增加~20%,材料的热导率增大,主要是电子热导率提高的贡献,晶格热导率影响不大;当 Sb 掺杂量较低时(x<0.01),材料的最大热电性能优值ZT值在0.77左右,掺杂量x=0.005的样品ZT值在整个温度区间内最优。
The effect of Sb doping on thermoelectric transport properties of N-type half-Heusler compounds Zr0.25Hf0.25Ti0.5NiSn1-xSbx(x=0, 0.002, 0.005, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03) was studied. Results show that with increasing Sb doping amount, the carrier concentration of the samples increases while the electrical resistivity decreases, especially sharply at low temperature range (~300 K). The Seebeck coefficient decreases, and the temperatures at which the Seebeck co-efficient reaches climax move to higher ones. Therefore, the power factor increases by ~20%. The total thermal con-ductivity increases mainly due to the enhancement of electrical thermal conductivity, the lattice thermal conductivity remains almost unchanged. For the samples withx<0.01, the maximumZT value is about 0.77 at 800 K, and among the samples, the one withx=0.005 performs the best in the whole temperature range.
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