


采用物理气相沉积(Physical vapor deposition, PVD)工艺在Al2O3/TiCN陶瓷刀具表面分别沉积了TiN和TiSiN 涂层。通过扫描电子显微镜(SEM)观察涂层微观结构,采用显微硬度计和划痕仪分别表征涂层硬度和测量涂层与基体的结合强度。通过对涂层刀具进行连续干切削灰铸铁实验,研究 TiN 和 TiSiN 涂层对刀具磨损特征的影响并探讨其磨损机理,同时研究了涂层对工件加工表面质量的影响。结果表明: PVD涂层可显著提高Al2O3/TiCN陶瓷的刀具硬度。TiN涂层和TiSiN涂层可分别提高刀具表面硬度25%和65%,从而增加刀具耐磨性。两种涂层刀具在连续切削灰铸铁实验中主要的失效机理均是挤压变形下的磨粒磨损,其中 TiN 涂层刀具还伴随有粘结磨损;刀具上的PVD-TiN和TiSiN涂层可以有效保护Al2O3/TiCN陶瓷刀具基体,防止崩刃,进而改善工件表面加工质量。

The TiN, TiSiN coatings were deposited on Al2O3/TiCN matrix by physical vapor deposition (PVD) technique. The microstructure, hardness and adhesion evaluation of the coatings were studied by scanning electron microcope (SEM), micro-hardness tester and scratch test, respectively. Turning tests were carried out on both uncoated and coated tool in gray cast iron turning under dry environment. Cutting performance, wear mechanism and machining quality of the uncoated and coated matrix were investigated. The results show that PVD-TiN and TiSiN coating can distinctly improve the hardness of cutting tool by 25% and 65%, respectively, leading to the tool life being enhanced. The domi-nant wear mechanism of TiN and TiSiN coated tools after turning tests were abrasion, meanwhile TiN coated tool was accompanied by adhesive wear. Compared with the un-coated tools, the PVD coated tools showed no chipping and significant improvement in surface roughness of the finish parts.


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