



This paper dealt with in detail the drying-solidification process, contraction and weightloss mechanisms, skeleton nanostructures and its evolution trends with temperature increasing for SnO2 gel system within 20~700℃ heat-treatment interval by TG-DTA, BET-N2 adsorption, and X-ray diffraction three measuring methods, and further covered with the influences of doping Sb addition amounts, catalysts and solvents needed in sol stage on drying process and nanostructure of SnO2 gels. Based on the measurements and analysis, it is shown that SnO2 gels are of porous nanostructure of size 1~15nm, in good agreement with Sherer's Cylinder Skeleton Model, and drying solidification includes three evolution stages: 20~200℃, 200~550℃ and >550℃, in which the desorption of solvents on the surfaces of gel skeleton, break-up and oxidation of-acac ring chelated on Sn atom, structural relaxion of gel chain net and gel skeleton crystallization are responsible for the weight-loss, contraction and solidification of gels, as temperature increases, the nano-skeleton coarsens and enlarges but keeps its radium-length ratio unchanged, on the other hand, doping Sb addition makes gel skeleton more slender but catalysts do not influence gel structure considerably.


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