


持久性有机污染物(POPs)组分复杂,在自然界中超痕量存在,其分离分析十分困难。全二维气相色谱(GC× GC)作为一种新型色谱技术,与传统的一维气相色谱相比,具有峰容量大、分辨率和灵敏度高等优势,越来越广泛地应用于环境有机污染物的分析。该文综述了近十年来全二维气相色谱在持久性有机污染物分析中的应用进展,主要包括全二维气相色谱在解决一些复杂POPs定性定量分析难题方面的应用,如二恶英、毒杀芬和短链氯化石蜡等;概述了全二维气相色谱对多种POPs同时定性定量分析的应用进展;讨论了全二维气相色谱在非目标有机污染物筛查分析中的应用,并对发展趋势及相关应用前景进行了总结展望。

The analysis of persistent organic pollutants ( POPs ) is relatively difficult because they are typical complex contaminants and present at trace levels. Many POP congeners cannot be effectively separated and analyzed by conventional one?dimensional gas chromatography (1D GC) . Comprehensive two?dimensional gas chromatography ( GC × GC ) becomes a powerful separation technique for analyzing complex mixtures, with its higher peak capacity, higher resolution and sensitivity compared with 1D GC. This review summarizes the GC×GC applica?tions in the analysis of POPs in the past decade, including the advance of GC×GC in solving the separation problems of some POPs such as polychlorinated dibenzo?p?dioxins, dibenzofurans, toxaphene, chlorinated parrafins, etc. The simultaneous analysis of multi?class organic pollu?tants and untargeted analysis of organic pollutants using GC × GC is also reviewed. The future trends of GC×GC in this field are also discussed.


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[2] Muscalu, A.M.;Reiner, E.J.;Liss, S.N.;Chen, T.;Ladwig, G.;Morse, D..A routine accredited method for the analysis of polychlorinated biphenyls, organochlorine pesticides, chlorobenzenes and screening of other halogenated organics in soil, sediment and sludge by GCxGC-μECD[J].Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry,20118(8):2403-2413.
[3] Kalachova, K.;Pulkrabova, J.;Cajka, T.;Drabova, L.;Hajslova, J..Implementation of comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography-time-of- flight mass spectrometry for the simultaneous determination of halogenated contaminants and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in fish[J].Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry,201210(10):2813-2824.
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