针对光电设备在部队日常训练中缺乏合作目标的问题,提出了一种基于计算机处理的虚拟跟踪图像生成算法,该算法根据目标的理论弹道、目标类型、目标特征参数及目标的三视图,结合光电设备转台位置信息生成虚拟目标跟踪图像。该算法有效解决了在部队的日常训练中无合作目标的问题,在生成虚拟图像后,可让操作人员根据虚拟跟踪图像对设备进行操作,完成日常训练。同时,在算法的研究过程中充分考虑处理耗时,在经过算法优化后,虚拟跟踪图像生成算法的耗时在5~6 ms 左右,针对标准 PAL 制式的模拟图像25 Hz 的周期,可完成对虚拟跟踪图像的生成。对虚拟图像进行判读,计算虚拟图像的目标位置精度为1″左右,满足部队日常训练使用要求。
To solve the problem of lacking cooperation targets in the army’s dairy training of the pho-toelectric device,a generating algorithm of the dummy tracking image is presented based on the com-puter’s processing.This algorithm can generate the tracking image of the dummy target according to the theoretical trajectory,the prototype,the characteristic parameters and the three view of target, and also integrating the information of rotation position for the photoelectric device.The results show that the algorithm can effectively solve the army’s training problem,which can make the operator ma-nipulate the device on the basis of the dummy tracking image to complete the dairy training.At the same time,the algorithm has been optimized to improve the computer efficiency,which the working time is about 5~6 ms to generate the dummy tracking image for a standard PAL type analog image with 25 Hz cycle.By analyzing of the result,the precision of tracking image is about 1″and measure up for the army’s dairy training.
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