为了实现对极紫外相机控制及管理功能,设计并实现了一种基于 FPGA 的电控单元。该系统以 FPGA 为核心,经过 RS-422接口与信号处理子系统进行通讯,通过 LVDS 接口接收信号处理子系统发送的科学数据,与 CPU 之间通过数据总线进行通讯。为了提高电控单元的可靠性,在设计过程中采用了抗辐照设计和交叉备份的冗余设计。通过极紫外相机电控单元的测试和试验验证表明:极紫外相机电控单元的功能和性能满足指标要求,为极紫外相机在轨取得圆满成功的结果起到了重要作用。
In order to control and manage extreme ultraviolet camera,the electronic control unit based on FPGA is designed.This system adopts FPGA as processing and control core.It communicates with signal processing subsystem through RS-422 and receives science data with LVDS.It communi-cates with CPU through data bus.The radiation-hardened and cross backup redundancy design is adopted in order to improve the reliability of the system.The electronic control unit tests for extreme ultraviolet camera show that the function and performance of extreme ultraviolet camera are qualified. It plays an important role for extreme ultraviolet camera in-orbit operation.
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