


研究了TA15钛合金大型锻件退火温度和保温时间对审温和500℃高温拉伸性能的影响,结果表明:随着退火温度的升高,拉伸强度增大,在800-890℃温度范围内,室温强度升幅达90 MPa,500 ℃高温强度升幅达66 MPa;随保温时间延长,室温和500 oC高温拉伸强度呈峰值变化,保温3 h时最高.研究表明,退火温度提高,基体β转变组织分解析出第二相起到强化作用,提高了大锻件的强度.

The effect of annealing temperature and holding time on the tensile properties of large forging TA15 titanium alloy at room and high temperatures 500℃were studied.The results showed that with the annealing temperature increasing from 800℃to 890℃.the tensile strength increased 90 and 66 MPa at room temperature and 500℃respectively;and with the holding time extending.the tensile strength at room-temperature and 500℃increased in the beginning and then decreased,a peak value occurred when the holding time was 3 h.The mechanism Was outlined that the strengthening effect of alloy was caused by the secondary phase which precipitated from the transformed β with the increase of annealing temperature.


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