研究了冷轧变形95%的Ni/Ni_3Al两相合金箔材在经过100 h退火后的再结晶过程以及织构和晶粒的微取向的变化.对其织构的测量未表现出如冷轧单相Ni_3Al合金退火后所具有的织构记忆效应.EBSD(electron back-scattered diffraction)的测量结果显示退火后根据晶粒的取向可分为两个区域,一个区域的晶粒保持了与冷轧后试样的晶粒相同的取向,即其取向为(110),并且这一区域沿轧制方向呈带状分布,而另一个区域的晶粒的取向则为随机的.两个区域中(110)取向晶粒所占的百分比依次为57%和16%,并且在长时间退火后这种带状结构依然存在.冷轧变形95%的Ni/Ni_3Al两相合金箔材在600-800℃之间退火时存在两种再结晶过程.一部分区域退火后生成大量的晶粒取向随机分布的再结晶晶粒,而在另一部分区域则其再结晶晶粒保持与冷轧织构相同的晶粒取向,并随着退火温度的升高而长大.
The recrystallization texture development and the micro-orientation of the recrystallized grain during annealed for 100 h of Ni(γ)/Ni_3Al(γ')two phase alloy foils were investigated. The texture memory effect in the cold-rolled Ni_3Al single crystals with the Goss texture was not observed in the cold-rolled Ni/Ni_3Al two phase alloy after annealed for 100h.The measurement of EBSD showed that there was a{110}-oriented grain band. This {110} band had the same texture as that in the cold-rolled state. And other areas had the cold-rolled grain with difference orientation from the cold-rolled texture.In{110} region,the volume fraction of {110}-ori ented grain was 57%but in no{110}region, it was 16%.This band structure still was observed even annealed for a longer time. The results suggested that there were two different recrystallixation procedures for the Ni_3Al/Ni two-phase foils annealed at 800 ℃.One was recrystallization procedure, resulted in the randomization of the misorientation of grin in non-{110}-oriented band. The other procedure was that these{110}-oriented grain kept their orientation during the grain growth.
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