


具有择尤取向的薄膜材料因弹性呈现各向异性,在利用X射线衍射法测定薄膜残余应力时,常发生d-sin2ψ测试曲线的非线性振荡,无法得到准确的应力值。本文利用Voigt、Reuss和Kroner模型计算了TiN薄膜的弹性常数随ψ角的分布在低ψ角区发生的弯曲。与实测PVD TiN薄膜的应力测试曲线的弯曲情况相似,说明丝织构的确可能造成薄膜应力测试d-sin2ψ曲线的低ψ角弯曲。

The preferred orientation of thin films led to oscillation of the measured d- sin2 ψ curve when the residual stresses of films were measured using X-ray diffraction. The distribution of elastic constants of TiN film vs.ψ angle was calculated using Voigt, Reuss and Kroner models. The result shows that the distribution of the elastic constants of TiN film shows curved in the range of the small ψ angle which is similitude to that of the measured d-sin2 ψcurve. It illuminates that the fiber texture can certainly make the d-sin2 ψ curve not show linear.


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