


主要关注现阶段世界范围内适用于建筑节能的大面积(>1.0m×1.0m)智能电致变色玻璃技术,对各种不同技术路线进行了分析和比较。当前欧美主要先进国家已经实现产业化的主流技术路线是:以无机过渡金属氧化物(主要是 WO 3)为电致变色材料,主要传导锂离子,以含锂无机化合物或有机聚合物为电解质的全固态电致变色玻璃技术。提出应该加快此技术的产业化进程,以满足我国建筑业日益增强的节能需求。

This article mainly focuses on the current world-wide technology trend of large area (>1.0m×1.0m) electrochromic smart glasses as building energy efficient windows.We compared and analyzed different technol-ogies in Europe and the US.The mainstream technology for commercialized EC glasses is:all solid-state elec-trochromic glasses with inorganic transition metal oxides (WO3 )as electrochromic materials,Li+ as conducting ions,inorganic compounds or organic polymers containing Li+ as electrolytes.We should speed up the commer-cialization process of this new technology to meet China’s growing demands for building energy efficiency.


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