


化学法制备 FePt 纳米颗粒具有独特的优点,可以精确有效地控制颗粒的大小、尺寸分布以及良好的结晶性和稳定性而成为当前研究的热点。概述了近年来FePt纳米粒子的化学制备方法,包括高温热解还原法、多元醇还原法、溶胶-凝胶法、模板法、微乳液法、湿化学还原法和电化学沉积法等。

Chemical preparation of FePt nanoparticles has the unique advantages,such as the accurate control of particle size and distribution,the good crystallization,and the stability,which has been the research hotspot. This article summarizes the FePt nanoparticle chemical preparation method developed in recent years,which in-cludes thermal decomposition-reduction,polyol reduction,sol-gel,template,microemulsion,wet chemical re-duction,electrochemical deposition,etc.


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