


将海藻纤维与 Fe3+、Cu2+和 Ce3+3种金属离子分别进行配位反应,在考察了金属离子初始浓度和反应温度对配位能力影响的基础上,研究了不同金属离子的配位反应特性,并计算和比较了相关的动力学参数。结果表明,海藻纤维能与3种金属离子发生配位反应生成海藻纤维金属配合物,金属离子初始浓度提高可使其配合量呈线性增加。此配位反应不仅符合Langmuir和 Freundlich 等温吸附模型,而且属于一级动力学反应,升高温度能使反应速率常数增大。3种金属离子的配合量和反应速率常数依下列顺序排列:Fe3+> Cu2+> Ce3+,而其反应活化能则表现出相反趋势,说明Fe3+和 Cu2+比 Ce3+更易于与海藻纤维发生配位反应。

Alginate fiber was used to coordinate with three metal ions including Fe3+,Cu2+ and Ce3+,respec-tively.Coordinating characteristics of alginate fibers with metal ions were mainly studied and the effect of tem-perature and initial concentration of metal ion on the coordination capacities of alginate fibers with metal ions was also examined.The kinetics coordination between them was examined and their kinetic parameters were also determined and compared.The results indicated that increasing the initial concentration of metal ions led to an enhanced metal ion coordinating capacities.The coordination of alginate fibers with metal ion were correlated with Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption model,and showed the better agreement with first order kinetic equa-tion.Moreover,the coordinating capacity and reaction rate constants of three metal ions with alginate fiber were ranked in the order:Fe3+> Cu2+> Ce3+,while their activation energy shows a reverse trend,suggesting that Fe3+ and Cu2+ reacted with alginate fibers more easily than Ce3+ at the same conditions.


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