


采用传统固相法制备了(1-x)K0.48 Na0.52 NbO3-xBi0.46 Nd0.04(Na0.82 K0.18)0.5 ZrO3(KNN-xBNNKZ,x=0~0.07)系无铅压电陶瓷,研究了Bi0.46 Nd0.04(Na0.82 K0.18)0.5 ZrO3的引入对KNN基无铅压电陶瓷相结构和电学性能的影响.研究结果表明,BNNKZ的引入能够让KNN陶瓷的正交-四方相变温度(TO-T)向低温方向移动,同时三方-正交相变温度(TR-O)向高温方向移动.当0.04

(1-x)K0.48 Na0.52 NbO3-xBi0.46 Nd0.04 (Na0.82 K0.18 )0.5 ZrO3 (KNN-xBNNKZ,x=0-0.07)lead free piezoe-lectric ceramics were prepared by the conventional solid-state technique,and the effects of the Bi0.46 Nd0.04 (Na0.82 K0.18 )0.5 ZrO3 content on the phase structure and electrical properties of KNN-based ceramics were investigated in detail.It was found that the addition of BNNKZ can simultaneously shift the TO-T and TR-O to room temperature and finally construct the R-T phase coexistence near room temperature with the compositions of 0.04


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