


超疏水是自然界中动植物表面所具有的一种重要表面特性,具有高接触角和低滚动角,具备自清洁和调节表界面粘附与接触及摩擦等功能而具备巨大的应用潜力,并已在表面工程和精密工程领域引起了广泛的关注。总结了近些年来超疏水理论模型的发展和超疏水性的主要影响因素,首先从经典的能量理论方面,应用Young’s方程、Wenzel与Cassie-Baxter两大理论模型以及这两种模型之间的转换条件来阐述超疏水表面的形成机理,并讨论超疏水表面的接触角滞后理论和接触线理论;然后基于 Wenzel 与 Cassie-Baxter 两大理论模型概述了微结构表面几何拓扑形貌及其参数对表面超疏水特性的影响;并对超疏水表面的发展进行了展望。

Super-hydrophobic is an important surface properties of the plants and animals surface in nature.It has great potential because of its high contact angle and low roll angle,with self-cleaning and reconciliations interfa-cial adhesion and friction,and it has caused widespread concern in surface engineering and precision engineering. This paper summarizes the development of superhydrophobic theoretical models in recent years and the main factors affecting of superhydrophobic property,starting with the classical theory of energy,application Young's equation,the theoretical models of Wenzel and Cassie-Baxter,and their transition condition to explain the for-mation mechanism of superhydrophobic surface,and discussing the contact angle of hysteresis theory and the theory of the contact line in superhydrophobic surfaces;then summary of the geometric topology structure of the surface and its parameters effect of super hydrophobic properties based on Wenzel and Cassie-Baxter two theoretical model;final analysis the prospects for superhydrophobic future.


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