The effect of localized corrosion, such as crevice corrosion and pitting on fretting attack ofsolution annealed 316L stainless steel in saline solution, has been studied with ball-plane contactedfretting test systen. The results suggested that fretting induced remarkable corrosion, and the combinationof fretting and crevice-like condition made the material suffer severe corrosion damage. The oxidation ofthe fretting corrosion product resulted in alkaline deposit on the surface outside of the fretted centeer,which would play an important role in the fretting process. Debris could play sone apparent role on thedamage when fretting carried on under high anodic polarization condition. The concentration of debris onthe edge of fretting area might accelerate the occurrence of pitting, which made great contribution to thedamage and the expansion of fretting scars.
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