



The concentrations of 16 priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ( PAHs) were analyzed in 35 top?soil samples collected from Jinan City. The distribution, sources and environmental risk of the PAHs for the collected samples were investigated. The analysis results showed that all 16 target PAHs were detected in soil samples. The total concentrations of PAHs ranged from 55. 8 to 1. 24 × 104μg·kg-1 . The average concentration was 1. 27 × 103 μg·kg-1 , which is lower than the average concentration of other soils reported in China. Based on the PAHs composition and factor analysis, it was found that PAHs originated from multiple sources with incomplete combustion of the fuel as the dominating source. The toxic benzo[a]pyrene equivalent (TEQBap) of the 16 PAHs ranged from 0?54 to 1. 37 × 103 μg·kg-1, and 98. 9% of which was contributed by 7 carcinogenic PAHs. In contrast to lower environmental risk of farmland, industrial district should be given special attention due to its higher risk level.


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