采用荧光光谱和猝灭滴定实验,结合二维相关分析和区域体积积分分析,研究了生活垃圾渗滤液不同处理阶段样品中溶解性荧光有机物( DFOM)络合Pb(Ⅱ)的特性。结果显示:渗滤液中无机阴离子对Pb(Ⅱ)猝灭DFOM荧光影响较大,它们的存在致使Pb(Ⅱ)对DFOM的荧光猝灭效果不明显。在渗滤液DFOM的各种荧光基团中,Pb(Ⅱ)对类蛋白类物质的荧光猝灭效率高,而对类腐殖质物质的荧光猝灭效率低,这种猝灭特征不随渗滤液处理进行而改变;但Pb(Ⅱ)对调节池和厌氧处理中可溶性微生物降解副产物的荧光猝灭效率低而对氧化沟和MBR出水中DFOM的荧光猝灭效率高。分析结果表明,渗滤液DFOM中类蛋白物质络合Pb(Ⅱ)能力大于类腐殖质物质,经好氧生物处理后,可溶性微生物降解副产物络合Pb(Ⅱ)的能力有所提高。
Fluorescence spectra, quenching titration combined with two?dimensional correlation analysis and regional integration technique were applied to characterize the complexation between lead and dissolved florescent organic matter ( DFOM) from leachates with different treatment processes. The results showed that some inorganic anions in the leachates disminisbeed the quenching effect of DFOM by Pb(Ⅱ). Compared to humic?like substances, the quenching efficiency of protein?like matter caused by Pb(Ⅱ) was the highest among all the fluorescent groups of DFOMs, and this phenomenon showed no change during the treatment process. The quenching efficiency of soluble microbial byproduct?like material in the DFOMs from adjusting tank and anaerobic zone was low, while that from oxidation ditch and MBR processing was high. It can be concluded that, the Pb(Ⅱ) complexation of protein?like matter was higher than that of humic?like substance, and the Pb(Ⅱ) complexation ability of soluble microbial byproduct?like material increased after oxidation ditch process.
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