为了明确土壤汞污染的植物毒性效应,利用盆栽模拟试验研究了汞污染土壤对油菜的氧化损伤.结果表明,低浓度的汞污染轻微促进油菜的生长,汞浓度超过1.0 mg·kg-1就显著抑制植物生长,引起叶片面积变小、失绿变黄甚至枯萎等生理现象.随着汞浓度的增加,丙二醛( MDA )含量增加,当汞的浓度增加到8.0 mg·kg-1时,MDA的含量是对照组的4.17倍.随着汞浓度的增加,超氧化物歧化酶( SOD)活性升高,过氧化物酶(POD),过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性先升高后下降,其中SOD和POD在8.0 mg·kg-1汞处理下,活性达到最大,CAT在0.5 mg·kg-1汞处理下活性最大.土壤汞含量为超过1.0 mg·kg-1时,油菜可食部分汞浓度大于食品安全国家标准《食品中污染物限量》( GB 2762—2012)的规定.油菜吸收的汞主要累积在根部,因此在利用此类植物进行土壤修复时,需要清除植物的地下部,才能实现植物修复的目的.
In order to understand the phytotoxicity induced by mercury contaminated soil, the oxidative stress and mechanisms of Brassica juncea induced by mercury were investigated. It was shown that the low concentration mercury slightly promoted the growth of rapes, while rapes growth was significantly inhibited under the treatment of 1. 0 mg·kg-1 mercury. With increasing mercury concentration, malondialdehyde ( MDA) content, superoxide dismutase ( SOD) , peroxidase ( POD) and catalase ( CAT) activity increased at first and then decreased, indicating the oxidative stress. The accumulation of mercury increased with Hg concentration in soil, and the root is the main part of mercury accumulation. In the phytoremediation the root of Brassica juncea should be removed from the soil.
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