


探讨了蒽在Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、Ni等重金属离子饱和的黏土矿物表面的光降解行为,研究了重金属离子种类,黏土矿物种类、pH、自由基捕获剂和氧气对黏土表面蒽降解速率的影响.研究表明,不同种类金属离子饱和的蒙脱石表面蒽的降解速率 Cu2+>Pb2+>Zn2+>Cd3+>Ni2+>Na+,其中 Cu?蒙脱石表面蒽的光降解速率达78?8%;黏土矿物CEC值越高,可交换的铜离子含量越大,对蒽的光降解速率的促进作用越明显;Cu?蒙脱石表面蒽的光降解速率随pH值增大而逐渐减小,pH≥8.71时,蒽的降解率为0,其变化规律与Cu2+随pH值的存在形态的变化趋势相吻合.此外,蒽在Cu?蒙脱石表面的光降解速率随加入的对苯醌增多而减小,对苯醌含量达2.0 mg·g-1时蒽的降解率为0,无氧条件下蒽的降解率为0,推测该反应体系中有氧化活性自由基( O-2·)的产生,可能为光催化氧化降解起始因素之一.

This article discussed the photodegradation behaviors of anthracene ( ANT ) on clay surfaces within saturated cations of heavy metals, like Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、Ni et al. The research investigated the degradation rates of ANT influenced by different kinds of heavy metal cations, clay types, pH value, radical scavenger and O2 atomosphere on clay surface. These results showed that the photodegradation rates of ANT saturated with different metal cations on smectite surfaces are quiet different:Cu2+>Pb2+>Zn2+>Cd3+>Ni2+>Na+. More importantly,the photodegradation rates of ANT saturated with Cu on smectite surface is achieved 78. 8%. Ti is founded that the content of exchanged Cu2+ is amplified as the increasement of clays CEC values. In the mean time, this change is accelerating the photodegradation rate of ANT. On the other hand, the photodegradation rate of ANT on clays surface is decreased as the pH value increasing. When the pH value is equal or greater than 8.71, the photodegradation rate is zero. The changes of degradation rate of ANT is consisted well with the existence state of Cu2+in different pH values. In addition, the photodegradation rate of ANT is reduced with the increasement of the adding amount of parabenzoquinone. When the amount of parabenzoquinone is getting to 2.0 mg·g-1 , the photodegradation rate of ANT is zero. It achieves the same result when the reaction system is out of O2 . In conclusion, the existence of superoxide radical might be one of the origin motivation factors which accelerate the photocatalysis?oxidation process in the reaction system.


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