


全(多)氟烷基化合物( per( poly) fluoroalkyl substances,PFASs)在环境各个介质及人体样品中广泛被检出,近年,在室内空气和灰尘中也普遍发现PFASs.研究表明,室内空气中PFASs的含量普遍高于室外空气,室内空气和灰尘中的PFASs可能是室外空气的污染来源及人体暴露源,因此室内环境中PFASs成为环境领域的又一个研究热点.但目前为止,我国还没有开展室内空气中PFASs的相关研究,室内灰尘中PFASs的研究也相对较少.本文就室内空气和灰尘中PFASs的采样与分析方法、污染现状、来源分析及人体暴露等4个方面进行了综合阐述,以期为我国室内环境中PFASs的研究提供参考.

Per(poly)fluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) have been ubiquitously detected in various environmental media and in humans. In recent years, PFASs have been also widely detected in indoor air and dust. Studies have demonstrated that the concentrations of PFASs in indoor air are usually higher than those in outdoor air. PFASs in indoor air and dust could act as sources to both outdoor air contamination and human exposure. Thus, PFASs in indoor environments has become an emerging hot issue. However, to our knowledge, no available study has been yet carried out on PFASs in indoor air in China; neither has much research on PFASs in indoor dust. This study summarizes currently available methodologies on the sampling and analytical approaches, current contamination characteristics, possible indoor sources and paths for human exposure of PFASs in indoor air and dust, so as to provide references for researches on PFASs in indoor environment in China.


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