


随着纳米技术的快速发展,纳米材料进入环境并不断累积,因此开展纳米材料的环境安全性研究具有重要意义。纳米银( AgNP )是目前应用最广泛的人工纳米材料之一。本课题组拟以AgNP为研究对象,系统研究其在我国主要类型土壤中的迁移、转化过程及其生态环境效应;基于同步辐射技术、同位素技术和量子化学计算等方法,揭示AgNP 与土壤中主要矿物或有机质之间的相互作用规律;探明AgNP对土壤中微生物、动物和植物的致毒过程及其作用机制;发展AgNP在土壤中迁移的数学模型,预测其在土壤中的迁移、滞留通量进而评价其淋溶风险,为 AgNP 的安全利用提供重要理论基础和技术支撑。

The rapid development of nanotechnology is accompanied by critical environmental risks that need to be addressed and effectively managed. A comprehensive understanding of environmental safety of nanoparticles will promote the sustainability of nanotechnology. Nano Ag particle ( AgNP ) is one of the most widely used manufactured metal?based nanoparticles in the world. In our proposal, AgNP was chosen as the typical manufactured metal?based nanoparticles, the migration and transformation of AgNP in typical Chinese soils will be investigated to explore the physicochemical interactions of AgNP with soil components, such as clay minerals and soil organic matter, and to study the bioavailability and toxicity of AgNP in soil matrices on soil micro?organisms, invertebrates and plants. The toxic effects of chronic/acute AgNP exposure on model soil inhabitants will be evaluated to establish dose?effect correlations, and to probe toxicity mechanism of AgNP . A mathematical model is further simulated to quantitatively assess AgNP migration and co?migration, retention flux in soil, and their consequential environmental risk. The results will provide the fundamental basis and technological support for the development of green nanotechnology.


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