本研究选取不同产地不同品种的茶叶作为研究对象,分析其砷含量特征,并采用人工胃肠模拟系统,研究茶叶以不同摄入方式(茶水、原茶、粉末)进入人体对砷生物可给性的影响.结果显示,17个不同产地不同种类茶叶样品中砷含量为ND—1.16±0.03 mg·kg-1,23.5%的样品未检测出砷浓度,11.8%的样品砷含量超过绿色食品?代用茶《中华人民共和国农业行业标准》(0.5 mg·kg-1),这是因为在加工过程中硫磺熏制干燥会造成茶叶砷污染;选择含砷量较高的茶叶样品研究不同摄入方式对砷生物有效性的影响,结果表明在胃肠阶段茶水中砷生物可给性显著大于原茶和粉末的摄入方式,其中在胃阶段粉末样品砷生物可给性显著大于原茶样品砷生物可给性,而在肠阶段原茶和粉末样品砷生物可给性差异不大.茶以3种不同摄入方式进入人体,在胃肠液中溶出浓度为0.02—2.80μg·L-1,小于WHO和我国《生活饮用水卫生标准》( GB5749—2006)中砷的限量标准10μg·L-1,不会对人体造成健康风险.
Characteristics of As concentrations in different tea samples were analyzed and an in vitro gastro intestinal model was used to estimate As bioaccessibility in tea taken up by different pathways ( tea infusion, original tea, tea powder ) . Results showed that As concentrations in tea samples ranged from ND to 1.16±0.03 mg·kg-1. Arsenic was not detected in 23.5% of the tea samples, but As concentrations in 11.8% of the samples were very high and exceeded the limit of green food herb?tea (0.5 mg·kg-1) which might be due to arsenic contamination during sulfur smoke dring of tea. The samples with high As concentrations were selected to study the effects of different intake pathways on arsenic bioaccessibility. The results showed that As bioaccessibility of tea infusions in stomach and intestine was significantly higher than those of the original tea and tea powder. In stomach, As bioaccessibility of tea powder was significantly higher than that of the original tea. However, there was no significant difference between original tea and tea powder in As bioaccessibility of intestine. The concentrations of As dissolved in gastrointestinal model by tea samples ranged from 0. 02 to 2. 60 μg·L-1 , which were lower than the limita ( 10 μg·L-1 ) . In Standards for Drinking Water Quality of China ( GB5749—2006 ) and WHO ( World Health Organization) , and would not be a health risk for human.
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