


焦化废水包含不同形态与化合态的化合物.废水中各类化合物在降解过程中的变化对污染风险的判断和水处理工艺的选择都有很大的影响.以74篇国内外有关焦化废水生物处理的文献作为统计背景值,结合课题组近10年的基础研究与工程实践,分析存在于焦化废水中污染指标之间的相互依赖关系,解析COD、TN、色度的构成,评价我国目前的执行标准在指导生产方面的合理性.研究结果发现,不同企业焦化废水的水质存在较大的差异,所有焦化厂普遍忽视TP、苯、PAHs、苯并( a)芘指标的监控,COD和油类的最终出水达标率仅为16.67%和28.57%.焦化废水原水中的硫氰化物、氟离子和色度的平均浓度分别为259.37、135.66 mg·L-1和713.75倍,检出率很高,建议作为控制性指标加以关注.在目前统计到的文献中,构成焦化废水COD的组分为:挥发酚(47.28%)、硫氰化物(19.48%)、硫化物(6.81%)、氰化物(2.41%)、油类和有机胺类等(24.02%);构成TN的组分为:氨氮(48.49%)、有机氮(35.89%)、硫氰化物(12.27%)、氰化物(2.35%)、硝态氮和亚硝态氮(1%);构成色度的主要组分有带显色基团的有机物、显色离子团和硫化物等.构成COD、TN、色度等3项指标的化合物几乎涵盖了焦化废水中的所有组分.综上所述,可将焦化废水指标归纳为COD类、TN类和色度等3大类,通过归一化管理实现简化的目标.

Coking wastewater is composed of many compounds with different forms and combined?states. The transformation of every compound in coking wastewater during treating processes has great influence on the pollution risk judgment and the choice of water treatment processes. To investigate these problems, the interdependent relationship of every index, the composition of COD, TN, color and the rationality of the discharge standard has been analysed by combining the statistics data in 74 references about coking wastewater treatment with our previous work. The results showed that the water quality of coking wastewater varied widely in different plants. TP, benzene, PAHs and BaP were ignored in nearly all coking plants and the control rates of COD and oil were only 16.67% and 28.57%. The concentration of thiocyanide, fluorinion and color were 259. 37, 135.66 mg·L-1 and 713. 75 times. The detectable rates of these indices were so high that it is better to regard thiocyanide, fluorinion and color as controlling indices. Among the references investigated, the composition of COD was volatile phenols ( 47. 28%) , thiocyanide ( 19. 48%) , sulfide ( 6. 81%) , cyanide (2.41%) and oil, organic amines, etc. (24.02%). The composition of TN was ammonia nitrogen ( 48. 49%) , organic nitrogen ( 35. 89%) , thiocyanide ( 12. 27%) , cyanide ( 2. 35%) , nitrate nitrogen and nitrite nitrogen ( 1%) . The composition of color was some organics with color groups, color ionic groups and sulfide. All in all, COD, TN and color covered almost all components in coking wastewater. The indices can be simplified by normalized management.


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