采用批量平衡实验,研究了硝磺草酮在黑土和红壤中吸附?解吸行为.结果表明,硝磺草酮在两种土壤中的吸附分为快速线性分配和慢速吸附两个阶段,2 h后,基本达到动态平衡.然而,其吸附速率随时间的延长而降低,且初始浓度和土壤性质对硝磺草酮吸附速率的变化率没有明显影响.硝磺草酮在红壤和黑土中吸附和解吸过程均能用Freundlich模型进行很好的拟合,拟合系数R2分别为0.999和0.993(黑土)、0.991和0.962(红壤).硝磺草酮在土壤中的吸附等温线呈现“L”型,以物理性吸附为主.硝磺草酮在两种土壤上的解吸过程存在一定的滞后现象,且随着硝磺草酮初始浓度增加,其解吸等温线的滞后系数也随之降低.黑土中硝磺草酮的吸附和解吸滞后强度均大于红壤.
Batch experiments were carried out to investigate the adsorption?desorption behavior of mesotrione in phaiozem and red soils. Results showed that the sorption process of mesotrione in two tested soils included an initial fast sorption phase and a second slow phase, and reached a dynamic equilibrium after 2 h. However, the rate of adsorption decreased with longer time, and it did not significantly affect by the initial content of mesotrione and soil characteristics. The sorption and desorption isotherm equations of mesotrione in phaiozem and red soils were well fitted by first?order and Freundlich equation, with correlation coefficients of R2 0.999 and 0.993 ( red soil) , and 0.991 and 0.962 ( phaiozem soil) , respectively. The mesotrione adsorption isotherms resembled the L?type curves, and the dominant mechanism of mesotrione adsorption was physical adsorption in phaiozem soils. The apparent sorption?desorption hysteresis were found in two soils, and the hysteresis indices ( HI) of mesotrione in the two tested soils decreased with the increase of initial concentration of mesotrione. The magnitude of mesotrione of sorption and desorption hysteresis in phaiozem soil was higher than that of red soil.
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