为探究西安黑河金盆水库表层沉积物中营养盐的分布特征及其污染状况,本研究测定了表层沉积物中总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)和有机质(OM)的含量,并与其它湖库进行比较,分析了TN、TP和OM的相关性,并探究了表层沉积物中营养元素的来源及其污染状况.结果表明,TN平均含量为1132 mg· kg-1,TP平均含量为1131 mg·kg-1,OM平均含量为7.02%,三者空间变化趋势基本一致,从上游至库区,含量先减小后增加.与其它湖库相比,金盆水库表层沉积物中TN含量相对较小,TP和OM含量均处于中等水平.TOC/TN值表明,水库表层沉积物中OM均来源于高等陆生植物.TOC与TN、TP均存在显著的相关性,且与TN相关性更高,表明金盆水库表层沉积物有机质的矿化过程与氮、磷,尤其是氮的物质来源和沉积变化过程关系更为密切.根据沉积物质量评价指南,TN、TP和TOC含量均达到最低级别,说明金盆水库已受到一定程度的污染.
In order to explore distribution and pollution evaluation of nutrients in surface sediments of Xi'an Heihe Jinpen Reservoir.Total nitrogen(TN),total phosphorus (TP) and organic matter (OM) of surface sediments were determined and compared with other lakes,and the correlation of TN,TP and OM was also analyzed.The results showed that the average contents of TN,TP and OM were 1132 mg· kg-1,1131 mg· kg-1 and 7.02%,respectively.All the three indices showed a similar spatial distribution in that the content first increased than decreased from upstream to the reservoir area.Compared with other lakes and reservoirs,the content of TN in surface sediments is relatively low,but the contents of TP and OM are in the middle level in Jinpen reservoir.TOC/TN values showed that OM came from higher plants.TOC was significantly correlated with TN,TP,and it was more related to TN,indicaing that mineralization process of organic matter in surface sediments of Jinpen reservoir was related to nitrogen and phosphorus,and particularly correlated with source material and deposition process changes of nitrogen.According to the evaluation of sediments,contents of TN,TP and TOC in sediments all exceeded the standard value of the lowest level,and Jinpen reservoir has been polluted to some extent.
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