It is known that the competitive a dsorption of water vapor ontophotocatalyst causes a negative effect on gas-solid photocatalytic reaction. In this paper, the effect of water vapor on the micr owave-assisted photocatalytic oxidation of C2H4 and C2HCl3, with which as model organic pollutants, was examined under different reaction conditions. The results showed that H2O was an imp ortant factor to the photocatalytic oxidation. Because polarization of diff erent substances is quite different in microwave field, the energy of microwave was mostly absorbed by H2O for the photocatalytic reaction with water vapor. The improvement of C2H4 photocatalytic reactivity was attributed to desorptio n of water vapor from the catalyst surface in microwave field. However, the result of C2HCl3 oxidation was opposite, where H2O was required to complete the reaction.
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