研究了渗铝层对一种定向凝固镍基高温合金在不同温度下拉伸性能的影响。结果表明:在较低温度(〈870℃),渗铝层使合金的拉伸强度和塑性有所降低,但降低的幅度较小;在1 030℃时对强度基本没有影响,但塑性明显降低;在较低的拉伸温度下,渗铝层脆性断裂引起的缺口效应是其拉伸性能降低的主要原因。
The effect of aluminized layer on tensile properties of a directional solidified Ni-based high-temperature alloy at different temperatures was studied.The results show that the aluminized layer decreased tensile strength and plasticity of the alloy at lower temperature(less than 870 ℃),but the reduction was fairly small.The aluminized layer had no effect on strength basically at 1 030 ℃,but the plasticity decreased obviously.The main reason for decreasing tensile properties was notch effect causing by the brittle fracture of aluminized layer at fairly lower tensile temperature.
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