碳纤维增强复合材料在固化成型过程中,其温度与固化度的变化历程具有强耦合关系,以含有非线性内热源的瞬态热传导方程为基础,利用有限容积法编写了计算程序,研究了以T300/环氧预浸料为材料的某复合材料工字形地板梁在先进拉挤工艺下的温度、固化度的变化历程.结果表明:该工字形地板梁在厚度为5.9 mm时,固化过程中的温度场和固化度场基本可以认为是均匀的,其厚度不会对固化质量产生较大影响;当该工字梁的厚度达到11mm时,制件最高温度比模具温度高出了10.7 ℃,这时制件厚度已对制件的固化质量产生较大影响.
The degree of curing and temperature are coupled during the advanced pultrusion (ADP) of carbon fiber reinforced plastics (CFRP).This paper is based on the thermal conduct theory with nonlinear source, using finite volume method to study the history of temperature and degree of curing during the curing of I-shaped beam in the advanced pultrusion.It is found that the temperature field and curing degree field of the I-shaped beam are uniform, and the thickness will not have a great impact on the quality of curing.When the thickness of the beam reaches 11 mm, the highest temperature will be 10.7 ℃ higher than the mold temperature, and the thickness will have a great impact on the curing quality of the beam.
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